1 Memorable Mission From Every Call of Duty Game– Part 2
Here's a list of the best missions from the Call of Duty series

We are looking back at the best missions from our favorite Call of Duty games. In part 1 of this article, we talked about the best missions from Call of Duty 1 to Call of Duty Black Ops II. Today, we will continue this journey of looking back at some of the best missions from our beloved video game series. If you Haven’t read part 1 of this article, be sure to check out Captivating Times.
[ Read more: 1 Memorable Mission From Every Call of Duty Game – Part 1 ]
Today, we have some interesting games to discuss. From the past to the future, this list contains a variety of games from the Call of Duty series. So without further ado, let’s start this list.
Call of Duty Ghosts: The Hunted

Call of Duty Ghosts was the 10th game of the video game franchise. Developed by Infinity Ward, Neversoft, and Raven Software, the game took a different approach with a new setting, story, and characters. For some of them, it was a hit, and for some, it didn’t match the standards of the other big boys like the Modern Warfare series or the Black Ops series.
Talking about the mission starts with the Ghosts team interrogating Rorke while flying in their aircraft. But the interrogation gets interrupted by Federation Gunship who come to rescue Rorke. The Gunship as well as four other aircraft open fire at the Ghost team. The Federation soldiers rescue Rorkes and then leave the plane falling out of the sky with the Ghosts team in it. The team manages to survive the fall but gets scattered in the process.
This is where the cutscene ends and you are left alone with the Federation patrols crawling the crash site. you manage to regroup with the rest of the team. Then the whole team works on their way to escape the crash site to get rescued. On your way, you encounter many patrolling soldiers looking for you. The stealth elements are well put into the mission. The whole mission is not stealth-orientated, with occasions where you are confronted by patrols and have to deal with them to progress. Eventually on your way to the rescue point and on your way to the rescue point, you witness a missile launching nearby. After that, you manage to get to the rally point and two boats come to your rescue and that’s where the mission ends.
The mission is not something chaotic apart from the starting cutscene. So the overall balance of the mission feels good when you play. The cutscene really elevates this mission giving it a really good starting ground. and the location where you land is atmospheric with the patrolling soldiers everywhere. The stealth element of this mission feels good to play through, there are other arguably better stealth missions but this one is definitely up there too.
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: Traffic

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is not one of the better games of the series. Released in 2014, the game was developed by Sledgehammer Games. The futuristic approach taken by the game was received well by some but for some, the game fell flat to the expectations. It was definitely a fresh wind though as the game introduced many new ideas that felt good to play with.
The mission Traffic is pretty much defined by its name. The mission starts when Mitchell, the main character gets deployed with his teammates to rescue the president and the technologist who are held hostage by Hades, the head of KVA. They breach a building and successfully rescue the president but Hades escapes with the technologist.
The team fights off KVA forces and is eventually able to locate a van in which the technologist is taken. The team then chases the technologist on top of moving buses on the highway jumping between moving vehicles. The whole portion of the mission is really good and action-packed. The team manages to infiltrate the bus and takes the bus off the road into a river where they retrieve the hostage.
Call of Duty Black Ops III: In Darkness

Call of Duty Black Ops III came out in 2015 after a not-so-great performance after the two previous games. The game came out after the mixed reviews of the previous two games. The series returned to its roots with a Black Ops title going with the safe route. People loved the previous Balck Ops games and were eager to play the third game of the series. While Black Ops 3 wasn’t regarded as one of the best in the series, it is certainly a game to look behind.
For the Mission, we’re going with the choice of a developer of the game itself. Matt Coutras, who’s a senior developer at Treyarch and was also the developer of the game says that his favorite mission from the game was “In Darkness”.
The mission was set up in a destroyed Singapore. The player and his partner Hendricks are sent to shut down 54i Communications Hub, a local criminal organization that took control of the city after the destruction. The 54i has links to the CDP and you and Hendricks are sent to intercept a shipment of the 54 Immortals.
When you arrive at the location. both of you witnessed the crimes the 54 immortals committed against the civilians. Your partner Hendricks in anger starts shooting at the 54 immortals leading them to give their positions away. you both have to then fight countless enemies of the 54i in the storm that’s going on at the same time.
Going in you encounter a Warlord and are about to be killed but Agent Kane comes to your rescue and kills the Warlord, after managing to get into the room, you find out that the information is missing and the agents are dead with their noses smashed in eyes stabbed, ears sliced. You and Hendricks think that this was done by the 54i but Kane tells Hendricks and you that the last team on this location was agent John Taylor’s. This wasn’t accepted by both Hendricks and the main character. and the mission ends at this moment.
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Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: Burn Water

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is a game that was released in 16 and has been in development since 2014. According to some gamers, the game went too far from what COD is. The game’s plot was so much different than what we got up until now from a Call of Duty game.
The game was set in 2187 and by that, you can imagine that the setting of the game is futuristic, to say the least. The game has you flying in spaceships fighting other enemy spaceships. You have missions taking place on different planets and moons with advanced technology and fighting robots alongside you.
The mission we selected is called Operation Burn Water. The mission sets up in Saturn’s moon, Titan where you are to secure the Refinery after finding a landing spot for the team. Your objective is to secure the refinery and take out the SDF fuelling station. After you take out multiple forces of SDF you then Randezvu with your team but the scapeship you are in takes a major hit and just as you are about to get hit, The Robot named Ethan saves you by bringing you out of the ship. The mission ends with you getting unconscious and the screen turning black.
Call of Duty World War II: Battle of the Bulge

Call of Duty World War II returns with the original Call of Duty in it. The game takes place during the World War and is relatively connected to the core of the Call of Duty franchise unlike some of the previous entries.
The mission starts with the player and his teammates struggling with the cold forests of Ardennes. One of the team members was tasked to Resupply a flank with ammo. The team then encounters German soldiers approaching and the payer character starts the attack with his sniper rifle. After dealing with the enemy, The team then calls for air support. As the air support arrives, you are already holding off the army with tanks and approaching soldiers. But the air support clears several German infantries and armors. The mission ends in a won battle at Ardennes.
The mission is really good to play with realistic graphics and atmosphere. The level design is also great with, some fighter plane action in the middle of the mission. It’s just an all-around great mission to play through.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Clean house

Call of Duty brought back one of the most iconic series with Modern Warfare. The game offered the same memorable characters but some major changes to the original story. This was the first game of the new trilogy of the beloved franchise.
The mission Clean House was an all-around masterpiece of a stealth mission. Captain Price along with Kyle Garrick puts together a team to infiltrate a house suspected to be housing Al-Qatala members. Both Price and Kyle go through the house finding Multiple Al-Qatala members and eliminating them. After clearing most of the house, they found a room where a woman was communicating with Al-Qatala. The team finds out the whereabouts of the Terrorist group leader Omar Sulaman.
Talking about the mission doesn’t feel thrilling but the gameplay was the opposite of it. The atmosphere that the mission builds up is applaudable. The team movement, how the hostages react, and how the terrorists react to your presence are also felt massively. The mission feels so realistic, maybe the most realistic one of the entire Call of Duty series.
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Call of Duty Back Ops Cold War: Redlight, Greenlight

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War came out after Modern Warfare, it was really not what Activiton had in mind. The game did not follow up the success Modern Warfare brought previously.
It’s Hard to pick a mission from this game as it didn’t make anyone fall for it. But the mission Redlight, Greenlight is seemingly a well optimized mission. It is also a stealth mission but doesn’t do a lot different than most of the other stealth missions in the series. But the pacing of the mission is well-done, you have your get spotted in the script with your partner coming to your rescue. And to top it off, a big escape portion with chasing vehicles and shooting at the enemies with a Turret.
The game doesn’t get much love with some major titles releasing before and after it, and the game just went under the radar. But the game isn’t something you shouldn’t play. If you haven’t played it, be sure to play it if you get a chance.
Call of Duty Vanguard: Battle of Midway

Call of Duty Vanguard was the 18th game and was released in 2021. It was also a World War II-focused game with a slightly different approach. The game focused on four main characters giving them backstories. And those backstories gave way to some proper missions.
The mission Battle of Midway gives the character Wade Jackson his introduction to the game. While he might not be the most important character in the game, the mission is an absolute blast to play. The mission takes you flying above the ocean with countless other fighter planes flying left and right. Your main objective is to destroy an enemy aircraft carrier with the bombs you have on your plane. The whole mission is absolute chaos. There’s so much happening around you that you feel overwhelmed at times. There’s not much to talk about the mission besides you feel like a badass bringing down enemy planes and in the end destroying a massive aircraft carrier of the enemy force
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II: Alone

Call of Duty Modern Warfare II was the direct sequel to Modern Warfare (2019). It was released in 2022 and was well-received by fans of the series. With the Modern Warfare name and iconic characters, the game was a classic Modern Warfare gameplay with some new features.
The lone mission takes place after Graves betrays Soap, Ghost, and Alejandro, and the three are separated from each other and Alejandro takes Hostage. Soap and Ghost escapes and Graves puts his men out looking for them. The mission is a stealth mission with not a lot of equipment for you to use. You gradually collect items and craft some equipment as well. The developer took some time in the characters’ dialogues as they are interactive and tell you more about their personality and relations. The mission ends with both of them reuniting at an old barn.
Overall the mission is really fun to play through. The Charmful and iconic characters are shown beautifully well. And with some new game mechanics introduced, it felt like a fresh wind.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare III: Flashpoint

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III, despite Having The Modern Warfare name and the characters that we all love, failed to match expectations from the fans. The new game mechanic it introduced wasn’t taken so well by the fans of the series. Gamers also criticized the length of the campaign with it being too short.
The game introduced open map missions in the campaign, while some people liked it, some people did not have it. So we will not choose among the open world missions.
The mission starts with Price, Soap, and Burns going toward the stadium Makarov was suspected to be in. As they approached the stadium, they encountered chaos with soldiers from The Inner Circle. The three neutralize the enemies without killing any civilians and move to find Makarov. Price and Soap goes ahead with burns staying behind to secure explosives placed in the stadium. Price and Soap finds Makarov in a van that is starting to leave. They secure Makarov in a Chopper with General Shepherd in it. However as they were leaving, they witnessed multiple explosions in the stadium. Soap, enraged tries to kill Makarov but Price stops him while the mission ends.
The Call of Duty has engraved some of the best memories from all of gaming. Their classic simple concept and execution ensured people to get invested in their games. We covered some of the best Missions from this massively popular Video game franchise of all time. Let us know your favorite mission from your favorite Call of Duty.
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