
5 Rarest Genshin Impact Characters and How to Obtain Them

Some of the rarest Genshin Impact characters are standard 5-star characters. These characters have cool abilities and immense power, but obtaining them takes a lot of time and careful planning.

With 85 playable characters as of 2024, Genshin Impact has a massive number of characters. While some of them are pretty common to find, others are incredibly rare. Some of the rarest Genshin Impact characters require persistence as you’ll need to make a certain number of wishes to obtain them.

We will go through the details in today’s article. While it’s worth mentioning that most of the characters are obtainable through the character banners and there aren’t many other ways to get them. So without further ado, let’s start with today’s list about how to obtain 5 of the rarest Genshin Impact characters.

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Jean: Genshin Impact
Jean: Genshin Impact | source: Alpha Coders

Jean is one of the 85 Genshin Impact characters that can be found in the game and is very hard to obtain. She is a well-balanced character who can do almost anything. To obtain this character in Genshin Impact, you can search in the character’s banners found in the game. Jean has a chance of showing up in any character banner but it is rare to get her as the chances of her appearing in the banner is 0.6%. So the only legitimate option to get her is through trying multiple times and getting lucky enough one day to get her. Players try for months even years to get characters like Jean and hopefully, she will appear sooner.

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Diluc: one of the coolest Genshin Impact characters
Diluc: one of the coolest Genshin Impact characters | source: Alpha Coders

Diluc is another Genshin Impact character like Jean whom you have to rely on luck in order to obtain him. He’s a rare Genshin Impact character with a lot of damage and other power. Like many of the rarer Genshin Impact characters, you get through the Gacha system. You have to search for him in the banners available in the game. Like Jean, you have a chance of getting Diluc from the Wonderlust Invocation banner in Genshin Impact. Once you try enough times and if your luck favors you, you’ll get him. There is no telling when but you have to try multiple times.

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Keqing from Genshin impact
Keqing from Genshin impact | source: Alpha Coders

Keqing is a really powerful Genshin Impact character, which is obtainable through the Dance of Lanterns banner in the game. She’s a popular character in the Genshin Impact fanbase. She has amazing electro attacks with AoE damage which makes her one of the strongest characters. While it is possible to get her in the standard banner, it is advisable to wait for limited banners as she will have a higher chance of getting her and even a limited character on top of that.

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Ganyu | source: Alpha Coders

Ganyu is one of the hardest-to-obtain Genshin Impact characters. She doesn’t appear in the permanent character banners, so you have to wait for her banner to appear and then wish for her in that banner. while it is infrequent to obtain even in her banner, it is possible to get a 5-star character after a certain amount of wishes. This means you will have a higher chance of obtaining her on that banner. You should try to save up your primogems before wishing for her in the banner.

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Mona in a library
Mona in a library | source: Alpha Coders

Mona is one of the most popular 5-star Genshin Impact characters. She is a standard 5-star character and can be useful in many teams. Her abilities are versatile and can be implemented both as a support or sub-DPS for your team. She can provide damage buffs for the team as well as being useful in combat herself. However, it is not easy to obtain her. You’d have more success in trying to get her in the beginner stage of your campaign. After that, you have to rely purely on luck to get her, as she’s a standard character. You could get her through the pity system like some of the other characters but it’s not a guaranteed way.

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That’s about all there is to these rare Genshin Impact characters. All of them come with their own abilities and usefulness in teams. While you may not be able to get all of them, you’ll eventually get many of the rarest characters if you get lucky enough. Just plan it correctly and don’t spend all your currency willy-nilly.

Himangshu Deka

Expert Content writer Trying to express my knowledge and enthusiasm through my blogs, writing all thing related from the world of Football to the world of video games. hopefully you can pick your poison in my writings


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