
5 Unrealistic Video Game Mechanics We All Love

A list of 5 Video game mechanics that are unrealistic yet fun.

Video game developers often try to make their games as realistic as possible. Whether it is the visuals, the movements, or the functional abilities of the character, devs are always trying to make their game more realistic. But sometimes, the unrealistic game mechanics turn out to be the identity  of the game IP or the core element that makes a game successful

There are video game mechanics that make absolutely no sense at all but yet they are essential for the game to be enjoyable or playable. There are abilities infamous games that exist for the sole reason of being fun. Even the most realistic of games can have one or more unrealistic abilities.

Today we look at 10 game mechanics that weren’t realistic but a ton of fun to play. This list will include some iconic video game mechanics which are at times define their franchise or some mechanics that are common in almost every game of that genre.

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Number 5: Double Jump

Double jump in Dead Cells
Dead Cells/ source: Netflix

Double is somewhat of an inseparable video game ability that is embedded in the world of video games. It is one of those abilities that aren’t argued about even though it breaks every rule of physics imaginable while being blatant about it. The idea behind the double jump ability is that players can perform a second jump while being in the air. It sounds less ridiculous than it really is.

Double jump is a feature that isn’t possible to remove without redefining the entire game of some genres. It is certainly an accepted and loved video game mechanic that doesn’t get any questions raised because everyone knows how essential it is for many games.

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Number 4: Fall Damage

Leap of faith in Assassin's Creed games
Leap of faith/source: Alpha coders

If you play any playing modern video games, you’re bound to take fall damage. Video games often have their unique way of giving you the ability where you can jump off insanely high places and don’t lose even a single HP. It is one of those game mechanics which are important for the overall gameplay. Tons of games introduced different ideas for dealing with fall damage. Assassin’s Creed has the leap of faith, The Dying Light Games has the trash game and there are other examples of games coming up with something to explain massive jumps not being fatal.

This feature is however really important as it reduces massive chunks of game time by offering a huge shortcut from a high place that otherwise be a time-consuming task of just coming down.

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Number 3: Wall Run/ Climb

Wall run in video games
Wall run in video games/ source: Peakpx

This game mechanic is not used across different genres of games. It is usually implemented in games that have some level of parkour element in it. Games like Assassin’s Creed, Prince of Persia, Mirror’s Edge, and Dying Light have impressive parkour in them. But a lot of parkour in the games has moves that aren’t possible in real life. It really comes down to making the game feel more explosive. Doing a wall run which is essentially running up against a wall is something that isn’t doable in real life or at least not to the extent these games let you do.

Abilities like this are something that is only enjoyable in games and players love it for that reason. Being a super-abled badass running against buildings is understandably a fun thing to do in a video game.

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Number 2: Ramps

Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon/ source: Mudspike Forums

We all think ramps are cool as hell. whether it is in the movies or the games, a speeding car flying out from a ramp is one of the coolest things ever. And racing games definitely want to capitalize on that element. The way a ramp works in video games is massively exaggerated. The amount of distance you cover and the amount of time you stay up in the air jumping off a ramp is not realistic, to say the least. If you jump off such ramps in the real world, the distance you cover will not be anywhere near as much as video games, and the damage it will cause to the cars and the driver would be fatal in most cases.

But there is no denying that players love to do these insane jumps. Hitting a perfect jump off a ramp and landing smoothly overtaking other racers is one of the most satisfying things in video games.

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Number 1: Bullet Time

Deadeye mechanic in Red Read games
Red Read Redemption 2/ Red Dead Redemption

Bullet Time or simply the ability to slow down time is one of the most badass video game mechanics of all time. Games of different genres use this in their games and players love to use it whenever they get the chance. Max Payne series popularised this mechanic and was really well done with the combat system. Many other games like Prince of Persia, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA also implemented this ability into their games and they were all loved by gamers. People love the Deadeye mechanics in the Red Dead games or the time freeze/ slow mechanics in the Prince of Persia games.

Bullet time in real life doesn’t make any sense. It is impossible to dodge a room full of enemies shooting at you while returning fire to kill them all within 2 to 3 seconds. It is one of those things that feels really amazing to do in a video game and setting aside realism is a fun element of a game.

Video games are becoming more and more realistic over time and we need to remember some elements that make a game fun to play, even if it’s not realistic sometimes. The above-mentioned features are just some examples of a game doing its thing to bring joy to people who love playing video games.

Himangshu Deka

Expert Content writer Trying to express my knowledge and enthusiasm through my blogs, writing all thing related from the world of Football to the world of video games. hopefully you can pick your poison in my writings


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