
9 Must Play Games Like Elden Ring for Dark Fantasy Fans

When you think of games like Elden Ring, you want a grim world with scattered items to find.

When you think of games like Elden Ring, you want a grim world with scattered items to find. These games have unique character building, engaging in awesome boss fights that test your skills. Action role-playing games like Elden Ring have been few and far between so here’s a list of 9 games that are similar to Elden RIng.

Code Vein

Code Vein
Code Vein | source: Alpha Coders

Code Vein is a Souls-like game set in a stunning anime-inspired world, heavily influenced by Dark Souls, the predecessor to Elden Ring. If you’ve played most of FromSoftware’s games and are looking for a fresh twist on the genre, Code Vein is a perfect choice. For fans of both Elden Ring and anime, this game offers the best of both worlds.

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Dragon Age 2 (2011)

Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age 2 | source: Alpha Coders

Dragons Age 2 is also an action RPG set in a world filled with dragons. The premise of this game is similar to Elden Ring but with more focus on monsters as bosses. Giant creatures like spiders, Darkspawns, Ghosts, and lastly Dragons. Gamers who like Elden Ring and want to experience a similar game with a world of Dragons will enjoy Dragon Age 2.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma
Dragon’s Dogma | source: Alpha Coders

Dragon’s Dogma is a highly praised game with interesting new elements. Released in 2024, Dragon Dogma 2 has a few takes on the traditional action RPG genre. Most notably, it has a feature where you can use AI characters to partner up to fight difficult boss battles. Some other gameplay mechanics, like climbing onto a massive boss during a boss fight, are fresh new elements that can be fun to experience. It’s a fresh new take on the traditional action RPG that is fun to explore.

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Nioh 2

Nioh 2
Nioh 2 | source: Alpha Coders

Nioh 2 is a 2020 action RPG with a Japanese setting. The game takes inspiration from historical events as well as Japanese folklore to form its story. You play as a Mercenary who hunts down demons and can also temporarily turn into a demon himself. The soul elements of this game are applaudable and the different setting of the game feels good. If you like Sekiro and want a dark fantasy style to it, Nioh 2 will be a good fit for you.

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Bloodborne: one of the best games like Elden Ring
Bloodborne | source: Alpha Coders

Bloodborne is fantastic, soul-like, with weapon choices that are different from traditional RPG games. To put it simply, Bloodborne is Elden RIng with guns. Developed by the same developers as Elden Ring, it is without a doubt a well-polished game.

Bloodborne is a widely popular game for its style of gameplay and the world you play. If you like games like Elden Ring but want a bit more firepower in your hands, Bloodborne would be perfect for you.

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Demon’s souls

Demon Souls
Demon Souls | source: Alpha Coders

Another game developed by FromSoftware is Demon’s Souls which is closely related to Dark Souls. It has different realms to access and find different areas to explore. Demon Souls has a more Linear take on the souls-like games. Boss fights in this game do feel a bit less remarkable than games like Elden Ring but that doesn’t take away the fact that this is a really good action RPG. The game also has a darker setting than the Dark Souls games and that is a thing to take into account if you like dark fantasy games.

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Bladur’s Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 | source: Alpha Coders

The Game Awards winning game Baldur’s Gate 3 is another game that has similarities to Elden Ring and other games like Elden Ring. While it is not a dark fantasy, it still has lots of elements similar to a dark fantasy. It’s a wonderfully polished game and has a ton of fun to be had. The story is complex and set in a fantasy world of Forgotten Realms with interesting boss fights. It also has allies you can pick which are pre-made.

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | source: Alpha Coders

A timeless classic, The Witcher 3 is one of the best RPG games of all time and that earns it a spot in this list despite not being a dark fantasy. The world is vast and fun to explore. Witcher 3 does lack difficulty compared to a lot of other games like Elden Ring, but that doesn’t take anything away from the brilliance of the game. It’s still a masterpiece even after almost 10 years. Many good games develop taking inspiration from Witcher 3, even games like Elden Ring If you still haven’t played this game, you’re missing out on a lot of fun and should check it out.

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Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 | source: Alpha Coders

Last but not least, Dark Souls 3 is arguably one of the best action RPGs made to this date. It’s a standout series from which all other souls like to take notes. The game has many areas to be praised and this article wouldn’t be enough. The game is excellent in what it does and tries to do. If you are a fan of Elden Ring and have played it, you have probably played Dark Souls, and if not, you are missing out on a gem of a game.


Himangshu Deka

Expert Content writer Trying to express my knowledge and enthusiasm through my blogs, writing all thing related from the world of Football to the world of video games. hopefully you can pick your poison in my writings

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