
Avengers 5: Doctor Doom Replacing Kang?

Could Doctor Doom Take Over as the Main Villain in Avengers 5?

Greetings, Marvel Fans!. And I don’t mean today’s Marvel Rumor Mill roundup by your boy Manty, but I meant Let’s get all the Marvel fans together for some tasty new gossip from the MCU. Today, we are going even deeper diving into chaos in connection with Avengers 5 and what if in the new MCU film, they finally change the lead villain from Kang the Conqueror to Doctor Doom?

Kang the Conqueror
Kang the Conqueror

The Kang Conundrum

Kang the Conqueror played by Jonathan Majors who was officially first introduced to us through Loki on Disney+. This time-traveling tyrant has got Marvel lovers hype and people started speculating that he might be the next Thanos for the MCU. Thus, with time manipulation and the ability to exist in different realities, Kang appeared to be the best villain for connecting the multi verse which Marvel has been building up.

But new rumors have emerged recently, that suggest that Marvel Studios is thinking of making some changes that concern Kang and his position to be the major antagonist of Avengers 5. Such change might be attributed to diverse factors such as shifts in the plot of the MCU and possible alterations in those associated with the project. Thus, what would happen if Marvel chooses to shift from Kang into Doctor Doom?

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom

Enter Doctor Doom: A Villain Like No Other

Doctor Doom or Victor Von Doom is undoubtedly one of the greatest villain in Marvel comics ever. Not only is he a powerful and calculating opponent possessing a genius level intellect, magic abilities as well as technology but he is also a multi-dimensional character with quite an interesting past. Knowing that Doom will appear in the MCU has been expected and even more so now that the Fantastic Four movie is on the way.

If Marvel will turn to Doctor Doom as the main threat for the superhero team instead of Kang, it will mean the change of the general direction of the MCU. The main conflict between Kang and Doom is that Doom’s motives are significantly different to those of Kang and he goes about achieving them in a much more violent manner. While Kang is an agent of conquest based on the need to dominate time and space, Doom is a sovereign who lusts for supremacy and occasionally gets his motivation from personal grudge and a need to be perfect.

Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four

What This Means for Avengers 5

Thus, what kind of potential villain shift is that for Avengers 5? First, it could change the nature of the movie and consequently – the overall atmosphere and degree of intensity. Compared to Kang, the focus was on multiverse anarchy and the heroes’ efforts to save their universe from destruction. On the other hand, Doctor Doom might contribute to more complex character-based and Earth-based conflict or something tied to Fantastic Four and other such heroes.

It also includes Doom whose appearances may boost the chances of more intricate and feature-filled narratives. While Thanos was motivated by the ‘internment’ notion, for Doom, it is a highly personal motivation majorly stemming from pride, vengeance, and the conviction that he is the only one worthy of ruling. This could lead to a film that will tell the shades of the protagonist and the antagonist with full details and hence develop a deeper story to tell to the audiences.

In addition, the inclusion of Doom would extend its impact to other franchises of the MCU such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Spider-Man other than influencing Avengers. The relations of this character to those characters in the comics and thus his presence in the MCU is expected to birth new affiliations and animosities.

Avengers: Doomsday Logo
Avengers: Doomsday Logo | Source: Imdb

The Future of the MCU: A New Phase of Storytelling

If Doctor Doom is in fact going to step into the spotlight in Avengers 5 it would truly be the start of a new era for the MCU. Whereas, the Infinity Saga was more about cosmic threats and formation of the Avengers, the future saga may be more political in nature with the themes of power and Anti-Heroes. The complexity of Doom’s character, his royal appearance and multifaceted approach to the events can be considered as the part of such change.

In turn, this change could also affect the further projects of the MCU and their undertone. Thus, TV may become even more popular as we have a chance to witness the retribution for sins, youthful crime and powerful detectives. From the very beginning, the MCU used to bring substantial changes to its universe, and introducing Doctor Doom as the main character could be the trigger for those changes.

Robert Downey Jr. As Dr. Doom
Robert Downey Jr. As Dr. Doom | Source: Imdb

Share Your Thoughts!

Marvel fans, what are your thoughts on Doctor Doom possibly becoming the new Kang in Avengers 5, instead of the latter? Which action do you like better – time travels of Kang, or are you looking forward to the possible addition of Doom’s character with his shady background? Post your comment below and let others start the ball rolling!

Thanks for being with us in discussing this pretty prospect. Welcome back fans, You may find more about the future of the MCU in the following articles so stick around for more updates and ideas.

Sant Kaur

Sant Kaur is an exceptional writer at Captivating Times, a company known for its uniqueness. Her enthusiasm for writing stories and her eye for information has done her a world of good in paragraphing interesting and educative pieces that keep readers glued to different sections. In terms of content, her interest follows lead in anime, pop culture and any source of entertainment culture; fused with artistry with exactitude. As an absolutely brilliant professional always struggling for perfection her work touches different people’s hearts by moving them to tears or laughter without being extravagant.

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