Marvel’s MIA: Fans Remind Kevin Feige!

Hey there, fellow Marvel fans! Today, let’s have a little chat about some Marvel characters who seem to have disappeared faster than the Hulk’s anger. Yes, you guessed it right, we’re talking about those forgotten gems that Kevin Feige might have accidentally left in the dustbin of the MCU.

First up, let me remind you of an astonishing character – Lady Sif. Remember her? The badass Asgardian warrior from the “Thor” movies? Well, it seems like she’s been on vacation ever since “Thor: The Dark World” came to the real world. Seriously, where did she go? Did she lose Bifrost or something new is being cooked there? Kevin Feige, buddy, can we get some answers here? This curiosity is killing us.

Lady Sif

Next comes Betty Ross, Bruce Banner’s crush from “The Incredible Hulk.” She hasn’t been seen since that movie! Did she finally get fed up with Bruce’s disappearing acts and decide to ghost him for good? Or maybe she’s just chilling in a gamma radiation-proof bunker somewhere around the multiverse. Either way, we need to bring Betty back into the fold! Her powerful performance encourages the female Marvel Community.

And let’s not forget about hidden warrior Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster’s intern-turned-sidekick. Portrayed by the extravagant, Kat Dennings, Darcy was a fan favorite in the first two “Thor” films. But then, poof! She vanished faster than Thor’s hammer. Did she get sucked into a wormhole or left for a new adventure? We demand more Darcy in our lives, Feige!

darcy lewis - Marvel

Last but not least, the Warriors Three. Remember Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg? Thor’s loyal comrades who fought alongside him in the first two Thor series? Yeah, they seem to have disappeared into thin air! Did they get some retirement homes in Asgard or Feige got bored from their presence? Feige, buddy, we need answers!

Now, Kevin Feige, if you’re listening, it’s time to rejuvenate these characters and give them the spotlight they deserve! The Marvel universe is a huge place, and where everyone from Scarlet Witch to every supporting character, deserves equal importance. With great power comes great responsibility, and it’s your duty to ensure that these Marvel characters don’t fade into darkness.

Excelsior, true believers! Let’s bring these forgotten heroes back into the spotlight where they belong! Stay tuned for more such marvelous updates!

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