
MCU Could Be Transformed by an Unseen Avengers Story Involving the Hulk’s Torture

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) may be changed significantly should a notably dark comic book storyline make its way to the big screen. it’s never been seen before in the MCU: the Avengers plotline where they subject the Hulk to severe torture. MCU is planning something big because this storyline is definitely very dark compared to the other movies.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

What is the New Plot About

Originating from the shadows of Marvel Comics, this tale paints the Avengers in a morally grey light as they resort to drastic measures against the Hulk. If brought to life on screen, such narrative would be sharply away from the typically valorous and virtuous portrayal of the Avengers that has been synonymous with the MCU up to this point.

The idea of Avengers betraying Hulk is more than just surprising turn of events. It is a narrative that unravels the threads of trust, power, and control among the heroes – including their impact on team dynamics and personal characters if such actions take place after adaptation, especially on Bruce Banner and other members of the Avengers.


Fans Reactions to the New Plot

The viewers have differing opinions over the topic of bringing this story into the cinemas. Some are of the opinion that it will introduce a new dimension and intricacy to MCU on the other hand, some feel that it may be too dark for what MCU has set as its tone. Nevertheless, if Marvel Studios decides to venture into this storyline, it could mean altering the course of MCU forever – presenting heroes with challenges never before faced by them and captivating audience like never before.

This particular plot-line could be an audacious leap for Marvel. Breaking boundaries of what superhero movies have depicted to this day would lead viewers and characters down a path riddled with intricate ethical dilemmas; forcing both parties to potentially create a more developed relationships, resulting in a more complex cinematic universe.

Anwesha Gogoi

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