Meet West Wilson: Body Positivity Icon

There’s a hero in reality television. This particular hero does not wear capes or have tragic pasts, he is West Wilson in “Summer House”- who gives us much more than just beautiful men, but also self-esteem reminiscent of yours truly (ANON). Really, this is everything everybody needs right now; complete confidence in who we are.

Cue the confetti and awkward dance moves.

West has unexpectedly become an icon for body positivity because of his unshakeable self-assurance, like accidentally liking the photo of an ex’s 3 Year-old from someone with sheer dumb luck. Honestly, although we live in a world dominated by filters and Photoshop, what West says is a revelation of pure, clear air.

West Wilson
West Wilson

Let us now consider the journey of West. He is the kind of man who seems like he fits well in practically any reality show due to his attractive appearance and funny sayings. West however stands out from the rest of the characters that may at first glance appear on screen.

There is more to him than being one among the group of gorgeous people on screen whose life situations tend toward conflict and resolution under the sun’s rays. His is not a ‘preachy’ kind of positivity when it comes to the body. Rather, it sounds more like a casual invitation: “You know what? I love myself; why don’t you love yourself too? Let’s have some pizza together!

West Wilson
West Wilson

Let’s rewind a bit. West didn’t wake up one morning and say to himself, “Today, I will inspire the masses,” suddenly transforming himself into an advocate for body positivity. It has rather been an unfolding process marked by self-doubts, a bit of reality TV craziness and perhaps too many late-night snacks (can you relate?).

Picture this: Sitting next to the pool is West, a regular guy with an average body relishing summer. How he does it no one knows. He does not care what the society thinks such that when you go to the beach he is that person who will tell you to just buy a bikini and have fun without considering the eyes that judge.

West Wilson is a hero in the reality TV universe we didn’t realize we wanted. He shows that body positivity doesn’t mean conforming to a certain shape; it involves freeing oneself from that prison altogether or possibly wearing it in place of a life ring while swimming. Here’s to our body positivity icon – West, who serves as an example to every one of us: belief in oneself surpasses any garment or makeup; hence no need for a filter.

Now, who’s ready to join West for some pizza and a swim?

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