Why Aemond Flees with Vhagar: Explained

Unpacking Aemond Targaryen's Strategic Retreat in House of the Dragon

Hi there, the House of the Dragon fans! Now that stingers and guesses are over let us return to the land of the always living, flying dragons and the thick political intrigue.

Today, we’re diving into the latest buzz surrounding the House of the Dragon series, specifically a moment that left fans bewildered: One of the most memorable R Age moments that viewers might have cringed at while watching it is when Aemond Targaryen decided to flee with Vhagar in the Season 2, Episode 7. Well shall we join the ‘unraveled’ and pull away the curtains of mystery and analyze as to why this turn of event actually took place.

Aemond Targaryen, shouts to his dragon Vhagar
Aemond Targaryen, shouts to his dragon Vhagar

The Scene That Left Fans Puzzled

The first shocking moment which occurred in the show that was seen in Season 2, Episode 7 – the capable dragon rider, Aemond Targaryen, shouts to his dragon Vhagar to fly away in the heat of battle. This particular action brought out a series of theories and assumptions from the fans of the show. One must wonder then, why would Aemond who was portrayed as a very determined individual and a loyal son to his family that is the Targaryen, decide to retreat? To grasp this, one must flesh it out with the help of the character’s internalization and the politics of Westeros.

Ewan Mitchell
Ewan Mitchell

Aemond’s Character Arc: Strength and Vulnerability

This young and talented actor Ewan Mitchell portrays Aemond Targaryen in a very convincing manner as the latter is quite a conflicted character. Despite his absolute determination and valour, Aemond is a character who experiences the grief of losing a closest person and family’s expectations as well. His relationship with the last known oldest and possibly strongest dragon, Vhagar represents his power and his desires. However, behind this enshrinement is a youthful man overwhelmed by destiny’s demands and the horrors that: ha stain the family name.

Targaryen dynasty
Targaryen dynasty

The Political Chessboard of Westeros

It is only important to understand that there was much sharing of the throne and that the political situation cannot be easily simplified. The civil unrest in the Targaryen dynasty’s family happens when one family turns against the other to fight for power in a war referred to as the Dance of the Dragons. It is a game of chess and every step is planned carefully and all the battles are not won by a quick offense but sometimes by patience, drawing back for a great defense. The flight with Vhagar could be a strategic step of Aemond to avoid the direct fight with Ryker when he is not ready to deal with it.


A Moment of Self-Preservation

An additional layer to the reasoning of Aemond is also the desire to survive or fight for survival. It is clear that the character of Aemond is valiant without a doubt but he is a creature of flesh and blood; he shudders, he gets scared the same as any one else but like any other creature, animal or human, he fights for his life when his life is under threat.

Versus Numeracy or a situation where even the bravest warrior would have no reasonable shot at winning and you’d just perish you would hold back. This act does not depict cowardice as many people would want to assume, rather it depicts the culture of gentlemen who know when it is time to fight and when it is time to walk away. Risks in the kingdom of Westeros is that more important than victory, it is survival.

Logo of House of Dragon
Logo of House of Dragon

The Influence of Prophecy and Dreams

In the narrative of the Westeros, the place and importance of the prophecies and dreams cannot be overestimated while presenting the key characters. The factor that contributes to the retreat of Aemond might be in the wake of vision or dream perhaps indicating a disastrous end should he decide to fight at a given time. The Targaryen are associated with dragon dreams and many of their decisions are influenced by that. Experience may be Aemond and Vhagar together may entail a mutual vision that sends them running in the other direction.

Dragon Egg
Dragon Egg

Fan Theories and Speculations

Not surprisingly, the fan community has been abuzz with ever since the fan theorized that Aemond retreated on purpose. Thus, some believe that Aemmon saw a hidden signal or message from one of his comrades and retreated. Some people have argued that the retreat was a facade so as to entice his enemies into making a move. When it comes to the precursors of the House of the Dragon, multiple meanings can be attributed to the story and each one only enriches the show’s experience.

Join the Conversation!

In your opinion, what could have led Aemond Targaryen to demand Vhagar to fly away in Season 2, Episode 7? Is it a clever tactic, Tim’s panic, or maybe something even more profound? Post your comments and theories in the comments section below! Here, we’ll resume discussion of all the episodes and focus on the most interesting and burning issues in House of the Dragon.

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Source: Screen Culture


This means that Aemond Targaryen, especially when he chose to escape with Vhagar in House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 7 being another dimension to his character and the show. Regardless of whether it was a decision based on strategy, self-preservation or visions, this scene best emphasizes the complexity of the characters, and brings us back to the brutal complexity of existence in the World of Westeros. We will keep coming up with more disclosures as we progress through the enthralling House of the Dragon!

I would like to thank all the readers for being with us in this analysis of Aemond Targaryen’s mysterious behavior. Please also do not fail to give your comments and also your idea. Until next time, may your dragons soar and let all your strategies triumph!

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