
Why Natalie Portman Keeps Kids Away

Uncovering the Personal Reasons Behind Portman’s Decision to Shield Her Children from Star Wars

For instance, Natalie Portman, the celebrated movie starlet famed for performances in the Star Wars and Marvel movies series has decided not to allow her kids to watch her in the Star Wars prequel series.

Many of the fans can stay only shocked and confused by such choice and the reasons base on personal concerns of Natalie Portman can be explained by her instinct of the protectress of her child.

Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman

The Star Wars: The Movie Space Opera That Changed Film History

Natalie Portman’s career took off with her role in Léon: The Professional’ with which she has become an actress of the main film series. One of the most notable roles that J became involved with was that of Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars’ prequel trilogy. Nevertheless, these movies provide quite a good performance: however, these films would not receive the sort of critical success as those in the Star Wars’ series.

These movies, for many admirers, are dedicated in equal measure to the portrayal of Portman’s career as an actress. That, however, is a freedom that Portman has decided not to expose her children to these films.

Natalie carrying her daughter Amalia and holding hand of son Alex
Natalie carrying her daughter Amalia and holding hand of son Alex

A Mother’s Concern

Thus, the decision of Portman refusing to let her kids watch the ‘Star Wars’ prequels‘ – it is caused by the wish to spare her offspring the trauma of watching the death of her character. At the ‘Star Wars’ prequel trilogy Padmé Amidala dies, something that is too disturbing for the young children of Portman.

Portman expressed that she has a child who is 12 years old called Alex while the second child is a girl who is 7 years old and named Amalia. She has also noted fears that it would be makings them uncomfortable seeing their mother in such a gloomy state.

I’d like to focus on how Portman cannot help but acknowledge her first impressions of the films raising a possibility of her showing them to her children. It was a time she considered could indeed be as a proud moment in that she could present her own work to them.

Though watching the films once again she thought her kids may not be appropriate to watch the emotional consequence of her character’s actions. Portman candidly shares her thoughts, stating:

“It’s kind of a shame because, you know, when I made it, I was like, ‘This is going to be the coolest thing; one day, when I have kids, I can show them. ’ Then I realized: We die in the movies and it looks like it’s very scary to teach the kid this.

– Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen
Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen

The Impact of Signs and Actions of On Screen Characters

This is the case with Portman where the decision made is not necessarily because of her character’s sad fate. She also realizes the influence of the character she portrays in the movies to her children or rather family.

Portman wants her sons to look at her in different ways apart from being a mother for this informs her decisions of taking various roles. In Portman’s case, a clear division between the professional and the parent is something that has to be observed.

[ Also Read: Stunning and Successful: Natalie Portman Shines in Dior, Cashing in $10 Million! ]

This is the very reason; she feels that it is going to be awkward for her children to see her as anyone but their mother, indicating that should her children watch her on the camera, they are likely to see her in a way they have never seen her before.

This feeling perfectly defines Portman’s concerns that her children should not be associated with the complicated nature of her work. She would like them to know her as a mother before anything else and not only as the woman they see in the different shows she featured in.

Natalie in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Natalie in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Parental Choices and Boundaries

The problem of parenting was illustrated by Portman’s decision which underscores the idea that parenting is a personal decision and the measures that parents may take to protect their children from the specific experiences. However, I think fans across the world may be disappointed with the news, one must not forget that Portman is making her decisions only out of love and care for the children she has.

There are different ways, in which every parent manages to balance their working and family life. For Portman the idea of shielding her children from ‘Star Wars‘ prequels is a way of preserving the essence of her family. It is a decision made in consideration to the welfare and well being of her children given their current age.

Natalie with Star Wars 2 cast
Natalie with Star Wars 2 cast


Natalie Portman’s own reasoning to not let her children watch the ‘Star Wars‘ prequels is a good strain of reminder of their parochial roles they play as parents. Even though fans would have loved to watch her children go through this aspect of her inheritance, it is evident that the decision made was geared towards love and this woman’s desire to shield her kids from the feelings that would come with acting.

It is a decision which is as much about the duality of personal and public identities as it is about the sacrifice any parent is willing to make for the sake of a child’s happiness.

Rinal Chavda

Out beyond Ideas of right doing and wrongdoing, there is a field, I'll meet you there

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