
Thunderbolts Movie: Sentry and Giah’s Conflict Could Split the Team

Exploring How Sentry's Dual Nature and Giah's Loyalties Might Disrupt the Thunderbolts' Mission

The Marvel Universe has many great and powerful team up stories of superheroes but what if we change the scenario from teaming up to fighting. That is a question that hangs over the future of Thunderbolts movie.

In case Sentry and Giah join the team, we might get an internal storm which would shake things for some of the most popular antiheroes of the show. So, it is high time to discover how this may be interpreted for the Thunderbolts and their activities.

Thunderbolts Official Logo
Thunderbolts Official Logo | Source: Imdb

The Thunderbolts: The Solitary protagonists on a Crusade

As for the younger readers or simply people who might have forgotten about the movie, let me remind you about Thunderbolts who are the special team in the Marvel Universe. This team is made of former criminals who now are working for government, and deal with tasks which are too shades of grey or too dangerous for standard superheroes like Avengers.

It has always been the case that the roster of Thunderbolts has characters who need to atone for their sins but at the same time have their own issues. Some of the popular members include the new Black Widow known as Yelena Belova and Bucky Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier.

Their main focus lies in addressing such stories that are rather presented in shades of black-and-white, thus giving a new angle to the superhero genre. Still, Sentry and Giah can become the new cornerstones in this triangle and change the whole team’s conditions significantly.

Sentry | Source: Imdb

Sentry: A Double-Edged Sword

Sentry or Robert Reynolds can be described as a character which is very useful, but at the same time dangerous at the same time. Suppose there was a hero with the power of a million exploding suns in his right hand a weakness in his head as if it were made of glass. In a nutshell, this is what Sentry looks like. Being one of the most powerful demigods, he has his dark side which is called the Void as well.

The Void symbolises evil destroy that has the potential of bringing havoc once released into the open. This is where it gets tricky for the Thunderbolts and converting Sentry into this group. Specifically, it is challenging to balance between the two. On one hand, Sentry’s powers are more beneficial in teaser and in critical situations as in various missions.

In contrast, they have recently seen him barely able to manage the results of the Void and it was not clear what his actions would bring in the future. That is the reason in the event that the Void appears, it could bring the teams’ objectives down and bring confusion among its group.

[ Also Read: David Harbour Teases Thunderbolts as a “Completely New Species of Hero” in the MCU ]

G’iah | Source: Imdb

G’iah: A Complicated Ally

Another character with revealing back story is G’iah portrayed by Emilia Clarke in the Secret Invasion storyline. G’iah, a Skrull, is a non-human; a creature whose relations with the human race have always been filled with war and distrust. Her main concern is usually the welfare of her people and that too at times oppose Earth’s superheroes.

That’s especially the case when it comes to G’iah’s inclusion into the Thunderbolts team, which complicates matters even further. Her commitment may be to the Skrull race and because of that, her mischievous motives could bring conflict within that team.

After all, the Skrulls are known to be very sneaky and deceitful and so it’s never clear if G’iah’s actions are in the best interest of the Thunderbolts. As a result, there would be no trust, and team relations would become even more stressed as there already is a clear division of roles and responsibilities among its members.

Thunderbolts Star cast
Thunderbolts Star cast | Source: Imdb

Potential for Internal Conflict

Sentry has a warm trigger finger, and if Giah’s loyalty is in question, the team will have a hard time dealing with it. Sentry has to be a superhero as well as fight the darkness within him which is the Void which means could have moments of tension. Likewise, there is a possibility that G’iah’s loyalty and true intentions will jeopardize the credibility of the team and its efficiency.

And the conflict of interest tends to give dramatic storytelling a fertile ground to grow. What if Sentry was barely able to contain the Void while Giah’s plans are still ambiguous throughout the story? Such dynamics could result in great plot twists and dramatic characters’ evolution. However, it may break the team in half, which is not good when it comes to the Thunderbolts, because some time ago there were internal conflict in this group.

[ Also Read: Latest Updates on MCU’s ‘Thunderbolts’ ]

The Void
The Void | Source: Imdb

The Stakes for the Thunderbolts

In other words, they are bound to experience internal strife while performing the tasks that the Thunderbolts require of them. It is even more crucial because of internal conflicts such as personal demons and trust challenges that put the team at risk of being dismantled from within.

As for emotional moments fans will have the chance to see the Thunderbolts struggling against ordeals that try not only their individual determination but also team spirit as well. 

Thunderbolts Hero's
Thunderbolts Hero’s | Source: Imdb

What Do You Think?

Sentry and Giah’s inclusion in the Thunderbolts does make one wonder what is going to happen with this team though. Will it be the internal war chaos and division or will it shape a coherent and far more cohesive group of anti heroes?

Please, feel free to type in your comments and your future predictions within the comments section.

Sant Kaur

Sant Kaur is an exceptional writer at Captivating Times, a company known for its uniqueness. Her enthusiasm for writing stories and her eye for information has done her a world of good in paragraphing interesting and educative pieces that keep readers glued to different sections. In terms of content, her interest follows lead in anime, pop culture and any source of entertainment culture; fused with artistry with exactitude. As an absolutely brilliant professional always struggling for perfection her work touches different people’s hearts by moving them to tears or laughter without being extravagant.

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